The First One…

So many times I have started down this path and so many times I have failed.

All I have ever wanted was an outlet. A little nook for me to put my thoughts into words – when I write, things tend to work themselves out in my brain. Does that happen to anyone else?

So many times I have started and so many times I have stopped.

Will I be good enough?

Will people like what I have to say?

Am I worthy?

As these questions bubble up inside and I know that they aren’t just about this blog or this new adventure – they are about me and my perception of my self-worth.

This blog will force me to face truths that I have long-neglected to face and new ones that I’m sure will spring up along the way. It will allow me the outlet I so desire and it will teach me to be content with how I am feeling – to experience the emotions fully and to share the hard, the happy, the tumultuous, and the raw facets of life.

I truly hope you enjoy reading these posts, whatever they may be. I pray that you find peace and solace in them, that they speak truth into your beautiful heart and that you know that you are never truly alone.


the Lowells