Here We Go Again

NOTE: This post was written when we decided to become foster parents and I wanted to start a blog (way back when). I thought it was so important to share these (raw, honest) thoughts with you all.

Deep breaths.

Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

I’ve tried this blogging thing before. It has always been therapeutic but has never been very permanent. I always find an excuse not to finish a post and then it is all downhill from there.

This time, I am invested for a much bigger reason. Bigger than sharing with our friends and family, bigger than being “trendy” and bigger than cheap therapy.

We have decided to become foster parents.

Every time I say it out loud it feels more and more real.

That is why this blog is going to exist. It is bigger than me. It is to tell the story of redemption, of heartache, of joy, of healing, of hope.

We are incredibly excited to be on this journey and we hope that someone who is considering this path may stumble upon this little corner of the blog-o-sphere and find comfort. (I know I did when I happened across a couple of other amazing foster blogs and vlogs!)

We aren’t sure what this will become, but we know we need to tell our story.

Thank you for joining us on this great adventure!


The Lowells

Photo cred goes to our awesome friends at Calebanana Photography – check them out!!

The First One…

So many times I have started down this path and so many times I have failed.

All I have ever wanted was an outlet. A little nook for me to put my thoughts into words – when I write, things tend to work themselves out in my brain. Does that happen to anyone else?

So many times I have started and so many times I have stopped.

Will I be good enough?

Will people like what I have to say?

Am I worthy?

As these questions bubble up inside and I know that they aren’t just about this blog or this new adventure – they are about me and my perception of my self-worth.

This blog will force me to face truths that I have long-neglected to face and new ones that I’m sure will spring up along the way. It will allow me the outlet I so desire and it will teach me to be content with how I am feeling – to experience the emotions fully and to share the hard, the happy, the tumultuous, and the raw facets of life.

I truly hope you enjoy reading these posts, whatever they may be. I pray that you find peace and solace in them, that they speak truth into your beautiful heart and that you know that you are never truly alone.


the Lowells