Why This?

When my husband and I first discussed starting a blog, we had a very specific goal in mind – share our foster/adoption experience. We wanted to come alongside others who were considering this lifestyle and support them. We wanted to form a community and we wanted to be open and vulnerable as we walked a path that was very ambiguous and scary!

Since that original conversation, things have changed a bit here and there… but we hope that the main message remains constant. We believe that people are called to help orphans in some capacity. We want this blog to be a resource for people who are looking for ways to contribute. This doesn’t mean we think everyone is called to foster or to adopt – but there are countless other ways to help!

As you read this blog, we hope you feel empowered to take steps to help kiddos who truly need it. If you ever have any questions about what you can do to help – we highly suggest reaching out to your local child welfare agency. (You can likely Google your county + “foster agency” to find yours!)

We’re not entirely sure what this journey will look like, but we know that it will be crazy and beautiful – and we are sure glad you are along for the ride!


the Lowells